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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's OK to do something just for me

I've been thinking a lot about writing lately, ever since I attended an inspirational writing workshop in late February. I made a commitment that I would write every day, but I've only done it one day. I could use the excuse that a few days after the workshop we went to Chicago and I was busy preparing for the trip, and that when I got home I was recuperating from the trip.

But like Wayne Dyer, I don't like excuses and those aren't the real reason I broke my commitment, anyway.

I just realized it's because I've always thought about writing with an end goal of getting published, when maybe I just need to write.

But is writing like the sound of one hand clapping in the forest--does anyone hear it? If I only write for myself and not to get published, to share what I've learned and what inspires me--does it matter?

I've actually been published--a lot. Mostly for jobs, though. There were a few poems, a few essays here and there, that I had published, and maybe made a connection with a reader out there somewhere.

But for right now, I need to just write for me or else I'll never do it. And maybe, eventually, I'll put together what I've written here and it will be a book and it will be published. But for now, I just need to alleviate the pressure and this is the only way to do it. It feels good.

This is my Golden Legacy!